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Peng Hui, Zhang Changshui, Rong Gang Etc. KL transform based on the Face Recognition. Journal of Tsinghua University, in March 1997, 37 (3): 67 to 70
Ni Lin, Zhang Changshui, Rong Gang Etc. Symmetry based on fast wavelet transform fuzzy efficient fingerprint image compression method, software Journal of .1996 in May vol.7 No.5, 272-279.
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Peng Hui, Zhang Changshui etc. A fully automated face recognition system under different conditions. Proc. of 14th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition. Brisbane, Australia: Aug., 1998: 1223-1225
Peng Hui, Zhang Changshui etc. Human eyes detection using hybrid neural method. Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. on Signal Processing. Beijing, China: Oct., 1998,1088-1091
Lu Chunyu, Yan Pingfan,Zhang Changshui, Face recognition with Support Vector Machine.ICNNB,Beijing,China,Oct.1998.
Lu Chunyu, Zhou Jie, Zhang Changshui, Knowledge-Embedded Symmetry Transform for accurate eyeball location, ICSP, Beijing, China, Oct.1998.1076-1079
Zhou Jie, *Lu Chunyu, Zhang Changshui, Face Location based on directional symmetry transform.ICNNB,Beijing, China,Oct.1998.
Jie Zhou,Changshui Zhang etc. Directional Symmetry Transform for Human Face Location,Optical Engineering, 38(12),2114-2117 Dec.1999.16.Yuan Chao,Zhang Changshui,Size-changeable Spring Snakes for Contour Detection, Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.8, No.4, Oct.1999,424-429
Yuan Chao, Zhang Changshui, Size-changeable Spring Snakes for Contour Detection, Chinese Journal of Electronics. Oct.1999,Vol.8,No.4,424-439
Zhou Jie, Zhang Changshui, Li Yanda, Directional Symmetry Transform for Human Face Location, Optical Engineering, Vol.38(12),Dec.1999, 2114-2117
Yuan Chao, Zhang Changshui, Multiple Face Location Using Motion Information, Tsinghua Science and Technology
Wen Fang, Zhou Jie, Zhang Changshui. Based on local linear map neural network and brightness of the color compensation Face Detection, Journal of Tsinghua University, 1999, Vol.39, No. 7 ,37-40.
Sun Yanhua, Zhang Changshui. AR Model for Keystroker Verification,IEEE conference on System, Cybercetices and Man,2887-2891, USA, 2000, Oct. Nastrville, Tennessee.
Lv Xiaoguang, Zhou Jie, Zhang Changshui. A Novel Algorithm for Rotated Human Face Detection,Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,USA, North Carolina, Hilton Head, pp760-765, June 2000
Yuan Chao, Zhang Changshui, based on multi-template matching the automatic face detection, electronic journals, 2000, No. 3 ,95-98.
Li Songtao, Zhang Changshui, Rong Gang,Bian Zhaoqi. A B-spline surfaces of the depth of image re-sampling methods, computer Journal ,1166-1170, November 2000 Vol.23
Li Songtao, Zhang Changshui, Rong Gang,Bian Zhaoqi. Based on the surface of the depth to the vector image segmentation approach, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, in December 2000, 13, No. 4 ,373-377
Li Yong, Zhang Changshui. Face Contour Shape Analysis and Application for Face Image Retrieval. The 4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Infomatics, 2000, USA,Orlando, Florida, July 23-26
Li Yong, Zhang Changshui. Face Contour Extraction with Active Shape Models Embedded Knowledge, 5th International Conference on Signal Processing Processings,1347-1350,Beijing, China, August.2000
Ce Liu, Harry Hum, Changshui Zhang,A two-step approach to hallucinating faces: global parametric model and local non-parametric model Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Hawaii, 2001, Dec. USA.
Jun Chen, Changshui Zhang, Gang Rong, Palmprint Recogniton Using Crease, 2001 International Conference on Image Processing. Thessaloniki, Greece, October 7-11,2001.
Jun Chen, Changshui Zhang, The Crease's Discrimination Power in Palmprint Recognition, Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 22-24, October 2001,Wuhan, China.
Tianshi Jiao, Changshui Zhang, Signature Data Generation Method, Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 22-24, Oct. 2001, Wuhan, China.
J. Zhou,L.-P. Xin, D.-S. Gao, C.-S. Zhang, D. Zhang, Automated Cartridge Identification for Firearm Authentication,Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Hawaii, 2001, Dec. USA.